
Integrate with Aider for AI pair programming

Aider is AI pair programming in your terminal or browser.

Aider supports the OpenAI compatible API, and you can configure the endpoint and the API key with environment variables.

Here is an example installation and configuration procedure.

python -m pip install -U aider-chat

export OPENAI_API_BASE=<Base URL (e.g., http://localhost:8080/v1)>
export OPENAI_API_KEY=<API key>

You can then run Aider in your terminal or browser. Here is an example command that launches Aider in your browser with Llama 3.1 70B.

<Move to your github repo directory>

aider --model openai/meta-llama-Meta-Llama-3.1-70B-Instruct-awq --browser

Please note that the model name requires the openai/ prefix. has example chat transcripts for building applications (e.g., “make a flask app with a /hello endpoint that returns hello world”).