GPU Federation
LLMariner GPU federation creates a global pool of GPUs across multiple clusters so that end users can submit training jobs without knowing GPU availability of individual K8s clusters.
End users can continue to use their existing tools to interact with
the global GPU pool. For example, a user can create a new job with
kubectl create
. LLMariner schedules it one of the worker clusters
where a sufficient number of GPUs are available, and pods will start
running there.
Please see this demo video for an example job submissions flow.
Install Procedure
The following K8s clusters are required:
- A k8s cluster for running the LLMariner control plane
- Worker k8s clusters with GPU nodes
- A k8s cluster that works as an aggregation point for the worker clusters (Hereafter we call this proxy cluster)
The proxy cluster does not require GPU nodes.
Step 1. Install the LLMariner control plane and worker plane
Follow multi_cluster_deployment and install the LLMariner control plane and worker plane.
Step 2. Create a service account API key and a k8s secret
Run the following command to create an API key for the service account.
llma auth api-keys create key-for-proxy-cluster --service-account --role tenant-system
We use this API key in the proxy cluster. Run the following command to create a K8s secret in the proxy cluster.
kubectl create namesapce llmariner
kubectl create secret -n llmariner generic syncer-api-key --from-literal=key=<API key secret>
Step 3. Install job-manager-syncer
in the proxy cluster.
helm upgrade \
--install \
-n llmariner \
llmariner \
oci:// \
-f ./values.yaml
Here is the example values.yaml
# Set these to only deploy job-manager-syncer
control-plane: false
worker: false
tenant-control-plane: true
# The gRPC endpoint of LLMariner control plane (same value as `global.worker.controlPlaneAddr` in the worker plane config).
jobManagerServerSyncerServiceAddr: control-plane:80
# The base URL of the LLMariner API endpoint.
sessionManagerEndpoint: http://control-plane/v1
# k8s secret name and key that contains the LLMariner API key secret.
name: syncer-api-key
key: key